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The Talking Cure: Normal people, their hidden struggles and the life-changing power of therapy

by Gillian Straker (Author), Jacqui Winship (Author)

'Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.' --Carl Jung

The essence of successful therapy is the relationship, a dance of growing trust and understanding between the therapist and the patient. It is an intimate, messy, often surprising and sometimes confusing business - but when it works, it's life-changing.

Gill Straker and Jacqui Winship, two esteemed Sydney-based psychotherapists, bring us nine inspiring stories of transformation.

They introduce us to their clients, fictional amalgams of real-life cases, and reveal how the art of talking and listening helps us understand deep-seated issues that profoundly influence who we are in the world and how we see ourselves in relation to others. We come to understand that the transformative power of the therapeutic relationship can be replicated in our everyday lives by the simple practice of paying attention and being present with those we love.

Whether you have experienced therapy (or are tempted to try it), or you are just intrigued by the possibilities of a little-understood but transformative process, this wise and compassionate book will deepen your understanding of what it is to be open to connection - and your appreciation that to be human is to be a little bit mad.