by Stephen Guise (Author)
No two days are the same. By making your habits elastic, you can adapt to conquer every unique day of your life. You will still be surprised by the crazy happenings of life, no doubt, but you will no longer be unprepared for them.
Elastic habits give you an answer for every situation. They destroy excuses naturally, by saying, “Okay. How about doing this instead?” If normal habits are a hammer, elastic habits are your grandfather’s garage, a magical place with a tool for every need. It’s not a burden to have a hammer, a wrench, and a screwdriver—you simply select the one you need for the job.
In this book, you’ll find a comprehensive framework of elasticity for habit building. Elastic materials are stronger than rigid, brittle materials because they can adapt to pressure. The same is true for habits. Any dread or sense of monotony you’ve felt about forming habits will disappear, because this system is dynamic and exciting.
Your elastic habits can survive threats and thrive in favorable circumstances. There’s no downside because they’re simply a smarter version of the habits we typically try to form.